wallows, fnaf, pjo, stranger things, it, stingrays, music, spiderman, photography, art, my fav ppl, jake & johnnie, kurtis conner & danny gonzalez


they / he minor 01.26
agender pan
intj-t & nd

BYI ; i am nd, pls never jokingly block me i will think u hate me, i talk about my hyperfixs alot, i say “die” / kys jokingly to close friends, i get jealous very easily.

DNI ; basic dni crit, misuses tonetags, problematic


problematic ppl, ex friends, antis of any stuff i like, ableists homophobes etc, ppl who r mean to my favs

FRIENDOS! chelsy, harper, zach sofia, ethan, mia, remi, nat, izabel, star, viv, finnick, sage, jane